Eskimo 英式发音['eskiməu]美式发音['eskiməu]


Surely, Whitman was the first poet to try to get his arms around the continent so as to hold the lumberjack and the secretary and the Eskimo in one loving cosmic embrace..惠特曼竭诚向伐木工人、文秘人员乃至爱斯基摩人敞开博爱的广阔胸怀,无疑成为率先张开双臂拥抱美洲大陆的诗人。


爱斯基摩人;爱斯基摩语英释中释nan inuit(= someone who belongs to a race of people living in the very cold northern areas of North America ). Many people now consider this word offensive.

最新更新单词: cipher turbulent schedule ambitious erection foremost vagabond bureau southern artificial skate entire
更新时间:2024-04-29 05:50:23
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