elephant 英式发音['elɪf(ə)nt]美式发音['ɛlɪfənt]


Tom: No.Although 75% of its raw materials is elephant dung, it is light delicate fragrance instead of stink. This is due to its special fabrication technology..不,尽管这种纸里75%的原料都是大象的粪便,但它不但不臭,反而有一种淡淡的清香,这是源于它的特殊的制造工艺。


象;大号图画纸英释nna very large grey animal with four legs, two tusks(= long curved teeth ) and a trunk(= long nose ) that it can use to pick things up


white elephant,白象,灰色象(在印度、东南亚被视为神圣之物);无价值的东西.短语

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更新时间:2024-04-29 13:19:59
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