hologram 英式发音['hɒləgræm]美式发音[hɑləˌɡræm]


No one knows what it would mean for us if we really do live in a hologram, yet theorists have good reasons to believe that many aspects of the holographic principle are true..如果我们确实生活在一张全息图中,没人知道这对我们究竟意味着什么。 但理论学家有很好的理由相信全息原理的很多方面是真实的。


[激光] 全息图;全息摄影,全息照相英释中释na kind of photograph made with a laser that looks as if it is not flat when you look at it from an angle


volume hologram,体积全息照相;体积全息图.短语

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更新时间:2024-04-29 12:23:14
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