tarn 英式发音[tɑːn]美式发音[tɑrn]


So ever since that tram ride I have never caught a glimpse of the reader, the audience, the customer, the patron, without instantly trying to wedge myself into the rocks above the black tarn of doubt..所以,自那次坐电车以后,我只要望读者、听众、顾客、庇护人一眼,就恨不得挤到黑黝黝的怀疑之湖上空的峻岩空隙里躲起来。


小湖英释中释na small lake among mountains

最新更新单词: treat tinder turnip carbonic overwhelm grandstand smokestack festival weft fifth bacterium stupefy
更新时间:2024-04-27 20:24:32
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