hippie 英式发音['hɪpɪ]美式发音['hɪpi]




The truth is, if one probes just beneath the surface of the bucolic hippie image, one finds a puzzling infatuation with certain forms of outrè technology reaching well back into the early sixties..事实是,如果我们深入乡野嬉皮士形象的表面之下,便可以发现他们有一种令人费解的、对某些奇怪技术的迷恋,这种迷恋最早始于六十年代初期。


嬉皮士;嬉皮模样的年青人英释中释nsomeone, especially in the 1960s, who opposed violence peacefully and often wore unusual clothes, had long hair, and took drugs for pleasure

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