muon 英式发音['mjuːɒn]美式发音['mjʊ,ɑn]


The team prepares a beam of just one type, muon neutrinos, sending them from Cern to an underground laboratory at Gran Sasso in Italy to see how many show up as a different type, tau neutrinos..这个小组准备了一束单一类别的中微子即μ介子中微子并将它们由研究所射向位于意大利Gran Sasso地下的实验室来观察有多少变换了种类,τ介子中微子。


[高能] μ介子英释中释na positive or negative elementary particle with a mass 207 times that of an electron and spin

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更新时间:2024-04-24 08:40:42
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