ophthalmology 英式发音[,ɒfθæl'mɒlədʒɪ; ,ɒpθæl'mɒlədʒɪ]美式发音[,ɑfθæl'mɑlədʒi]


Among the people to whom Freud introduced cocaine was his colleague Carl Koller, a young doctor working in the department of ophthalmology..在这些弗洛伊德推荐给可卡因的人中,有一位是他的同事卡尔·科勒,他是个年轻的眼科医生。


[医]眼科学英释中释nthe study of the eyes and diseases that affect them

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更新时间:2024-04-20 05:08:29
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